Google Cloud platform complete details

Trendy Techz Google Cloud platform complete details Google cloud platform is one of the best services form google. Users can create their own applications on wide variety of backend as well as front end. Google is offering a lot of cloud on board services. It easy now to create the application users need not to have huge configured systems. They just need a cloud supportive desktops to access these services.This is the breakthrough for the Platform as a service. Here is the link for the google cloud platform

Google is offering 2-months free trial.

Just signup and get everything you need to build your own applications using services from google. Every user will get $300 credit for free they can use this on Google platform for 2-months. Google is offering the free tech support in the trial version as well. This will be the game-changer this free tech support will comes to handy in many situations while using the cloud platform. Users need to provide credit card details while signing up for identity verification.

Is there any auto deductions after its expiration?

No, Google will not deduct amount from any of the user’s accounts. They ask for credit card to make sure that user is willing to use their services and also to ensure that the other access is not a robot. No users will not be charged during and after the trial expiration.

The following are the platform where users will get a chance to develop their own apps using Google cloud platform:

  • Databases
  • Virtual Machines
  • Web apps- Atuoscaling
  • Big data
  • Network and DNS services
  • Object storage
  • Machine learning and all google API’s

To meet high demand google recently started providing this services in many other countries like Sydney, Singapore, Frankfurt etc. google recent enhancements in the cloud platform improved their 80% of their functionalities. All these will be publicly available by 2017.

The best advantage of cloud platform is users can develop their application anywhere. They just need a desktop with the internet connection. Login and can develop their apps. No need to carry the old school methods of carrying pens sticks, laptops to everywhere for app development.

Google Cloud Platform

Like google cloud, Microsoft teams collaboration, Dell networker and AI everything is possible with the help of cloud platform. We hope to see more trending innovations in the cloud platform. According to us even the AI with the machine learning can be possible with the help of cloud platform. Remote control of AI robots is possible with the cloud platform.

Stay tuned for more updates in this platform and technological enhancement in this category. Hope you all benefited with this post and do remind us if there are any mistakes,Feel free to comment on this post and do support us by liking our Facebook page and also by following us on twitter.

About Kpkumar4u

Prasanna kumar AKA Kpkumar4u is the Co-Founder of Trendy Techz. By profession Engineer and by passion blogger. He loves writing on Smartphones and Gadgets. Before writing on Leaks he do great research work and provides you the quality content with perfect sources.