Forgot you Wi-Fi password!!– use this command to get back

Wi-FiHello Trendy Techz users, in this post we will discuss about the commands which helps users to get back their Wi-Fi password. Users can only find the password for devices to which they are connected after disconnecting from those devices it is not possible to find password and finding the password for disconnected devices is not legal and is known as hacking.

We have a traditional way to know the password in windows:

Click on network and sharing -> click on change adapter settings->

A new windows will appear select Wi-Fi -> right click and then select status in the dropdown list.

A new window will appears here click on security tab -> here you will find Network security key -> click on show characters then it will display the Wi-Fi password.

Alternate to this method we have a command to display the Wi-Fi password and the Wi-Fi profile history:

Open Command prompt as administrator-> type the below command:

To execute this command you need to know you network name:

To know network name: click on Wi-Fi symbol or open network sharing and security there you will find network name. It is also known as Wi-Fi name.

netsh wlan show profile name=xxxxxx key=clear

xxxxxx= Network Name type network name in xxxxxx.

Then you will get to see you wi-fi password.

To see you Wi-Fi history:

Type this in you command prompt:

netsh wlan show profile. It will give your connection history.

To clear all the internal webpage data:

We can make some space on our ram by clearing the cookies and stuff which are generated automatically by browser.


Ipconfig/flushdns to clear all the webpage data.

To know more about your network connection:

Type ipconfig.

That’s it we can play a lot with the command prompt. Stay tuned for more interesting tricks.

About Kpkumar4u

Prasanna kumar AKA Kpkumar4u is the Co-Founder of Trendy Techz. By profession Engineer and by passion blogger. He loves writing on Smartphones and Gadgets. Before writing on Leaks he do great research work and provides you the quality content with perfect sources.